Trauma-informed Organisation Consultation

Expertise you can confidently
rely on

As awareness of the prevalence of, and impact of trauma grows (55 – 70% adults experience at least one traumatic event during their lifetime), organisation’s are recognising the need to respond to and support the mental and emotional health and wellbeing of employees and clients. 

A trauma-informed organisation is developed through engagement and consultation from a top-down and bottom-up approach at all levels. It considers principles, culture, policies, procedures, protocols, and training from Board members through to senior executives and employees at all levels.

For employees:

  • Recruitment and exit interviews
  • Orientation and Onboarding 
  • Reflective supervision practice
  • Professional development requirements beyond technical knowledge and skills
  • Diversity, equity and cultural competence
  • Complaints and disciplinary processes

For clients:

  • First contact
  • Confidentiality and consent
  • Engaging with trauma informed principles 
  • Complaints processes
  • Cultural competence
  • Termination of therapy or services

Trauma-informed principles include:

  • Safety (psychological, emotional and physical)
  • Trustworthiness
  • Choice 
  • Collaboration
  • Empowerment 

Consultation and training will guide your organisation to adapt and respond with trauma-informed awareness and principles. 

One can hide in the past to avoid the present, or hide in the present to avoid the past.

– Ross and Halpern, 2009

2022 Naomi
Colin Ross

Testimonials about training with Naomi Halpern

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