Case Consultation for Therapists

Expertise you can confidently
rely on

Consultations via Zoom, Micro-Soft Teams, in-person or telephone, assist seasoned and therapists new to complex and relational trauma to:

  • have the opportunity for safe, supportive and confidential exploration of the therapist’s desire to enhance skills, process emotional responses and various complex concerns
  • identify the unique challenges for both client and therapist
  • normalize and utilize feeling de-skilled, emotionally drained and personally impacted
  • address and benefit from complex transference and countertransference
  • develop strategies to compassionately work with defence mechanisms and boundaries
  • process powerful emotions: of both the therapist and client



Assisting individuals with a history of trauma or abuse is usually long term and at times may be challenging for both client and therapist. Trauma clients may present with a range of complex and confusing or unrecognized symptomatology.

Naomi Halpern provides case consultations to health care professionals working with complex trauma and severe stress. Topics for individual case consultation include:

  • 4 core trauma dynamics:
    • The problem is not the problem
    • Locus of control shift
    • Ambivalent attachment to the perpetrator
    • Victim–Rescuer-Persecutor dynamic
  • Specific issues in PTSD, Dissociative Disorders, and Dissociative Identity Disorder: flashbacks; flooding; numbing; hearing voices; somatization; hostile; persecutory and apparent-sabotaging presentations of the client’s internal intra-psychic system
  • Trauma re-enactment in the counselling setting and therapeutic impasses
  • Utilising transference and counter-transference
  • Navigating empathic engagement and safe boundaries for the client and health professional
  • Understanding and transforming self-harming behaviours
  • Facilitating and supporting healthy expression of the spectrum of emotions, including difficult and intense feelings such as shame, anger and grief
  • Trauma, spirituality and healing
  • Self-care: vicarious trauma / compassion fatigue / burn out

One can hide in the past to avoid the present, or hide in the present to avoid the past.

– Ross and Halpern, 2009

2022 Naomi
Colin Ross

Benefits of Case Consultation

Many therapists express concern they may have unwittingly overstepped professional boundaries or under-responded to the complex needs, presentations and challenges of this client group. Powerful feelings of grief, shame and anger or alternatively, numbing and detachment can arise in response to a client’s challenging material or behaviour.

Unrecognised or unaddressed, these counter-transferential responses may lead to blaming or disliking a client and to a defensive engagement, with profoundly negative impacts on therapy.

Vicarious trauma and empathic strain can significantly impact the therapist’s emotional and physical wellbeing, sense of professional competence and interpersonal relationships. When acknowledged and embraced, these normal feelings and responses can provide powerful insights and guidance to the course of therapy. 

Finding the middle path, where the therapist is neither pushing a client to do work they are not ready for, nor colluding in avoidance of painful material, requires the capacity to sit back and reflect on what is occurring in and out of the therapy room.

Therapists have much to offer from a skill perspective, as well as their own life experiences and personal qualities. The therapeutic relationship is best able to facilitate healing when the therapist is committed to his or her own personal journey, recognising the ‘wounded healer’ in us all.

As we endeavour to provide our clients with nonjudgmental and empathic understanding, it is equally important for therapists to have a safe space to receive the same.  Case consultation offers the opportunity to learn new skills, get back on track and reinforce or restore confidence in your capacity to assist your clients on their journey.

Ultimately, the therapist is responsible for the therapy session while the client is responsible for their healing.

These tax deductible consultations are suitable for:

  • psychotherapists
  • psychologists
  • psychiatrists
  • social workers
  • mental health nurses
  • counsellors
  • family therapists
  • expressive therapists
  • medical practitioners
  • allied health and related professionals 

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