Kate McMaugh

Kate McMaugh

Kate is a registered psychologist with a clinical focus on complex trauma, dissociative disorders, vicarious trauma and birth trauma. She provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment to clients with complex trauma and dissociative disorders, as well as training, supervision and case consultation to other health professionals.

Kate writes and presents on treatment and associated issues relating to trauma and dissociation. She has published articles on the history of the false memory movement, trauma and disability, DID, and childbirth trauma. Most recently Kate has completed research into therapists’ experiences of working with clients who have experienced incestuous abuse which has continued into adulthood and has published papers on this clinical presentation, as well as therapists’ experiences of treating these clients.

Kate is a Fellow of ISSTD was the Editor of ISSTD News from 2017 until January 2024. In addition to her clinical work, she has a consultancy business offering research, evaluation, report writing and editing services to a diverse range of individuals and organisations.

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Photo credit: Dwight Carter

“I've learned that I still have a lot to learn.”

– Maya Angelou

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