Healing Within: Fundamentals of Ego State Therapy

Healing Within: Fundamentals of Ego State Therapy

Original price was: $125.00.Current price is: $105.00.

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3 CPD hours

Ego State Therapy (EST) is an approach that recognizes the multiplicity within us all.  One does not have to be a therapeutic genius because the EST approach realizes the ‘genius’ is within our clients.  Our clients have all they need to resolve conflicts, manage their emotions, and to move from surviving to thriving.  They just need you to help them access their internal resources and teach them how to utilize them for optimal functioning. EST is an effective, relational, well-paced approach that changes symptoms into solutions and one that is necessary when working with trauma and dissociative disorders.  EST is often used in conjunction with clinical hypnosis. However, one can still master the art of being hypnotic and apply the useful EST principles to therapeutic treatment without formal hypnosis training.


1. Introduction and Brief Overview of EST

2. Principles of EST

3. Development of ego states

4. Activating, accessing and working with ego states

5. The use of clinical hypnosis and/or being hypnotic

6. Therapeutic approach and clinical applications

Participants will be able to:

  • define ego state theory
  • describe seven ego state therapy principles and their relevance to clinical practice
  • name four processes of ego state development
  • apply five strategies to access and work with ego states in clinical practice
  • describe several steps for formulating an EST approach to treatment

About Wendy Lemke

Wendy is a licensed psychologist with over thirty years of clinical experience.  She is a sought after presenter for her engaging style and expertise in the fields of clinical hypnosis, ego state therapy, and trauma related disorders.

Wendy is an American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) certified approved consultant, an active member and former Vice President of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH).  She is an active member of the Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis (MSCH). She has served on the Board and various committees for both organizations as well as teaching basic, intermediate, and advanced workshops around the globe.

She has been honoured with four awards from the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis: two journal awards for publishing, a Merit award, and most recently a Presidential award for her continued efforts to expand clinical hypnosis education to the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation.  She was also awarded the Daniel P. Kohen M.D. Outstanding Clinician Award in recognition of outstanding leadership in the clinical practice, teaching, and utilization of therapeutic hypnosis by the Minnesota Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

She is a fellow and an active member of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) and one of only two United States certified therapists and trainers through Ego-State Therapy International.

She has published articles in the Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, Many Voices, and the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis.   She also wrote and produced the popular DVD:  You’re Not Crazy & You’re Not Alone: Inside the Inner World of Dissociative Identity Disorder and has produced Self-hypnosis CD’s available through her web site.

Wendy presented for Delphi in 2021. Her webinar is available On-Demand

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